Monday, December 19, 2011

Hoppy Holidays from your favorite blogging bunnies!

A big huge "Hoppy Holidays!" to our blog-reading buddies, and here's hoping you get lots of carrots from Santa! 

We are hanging out at our very awesome bunnysitter's house, with her bunnies and her foster buns, too!  We're excited for the human to come back, because we know she'll be bringing us some awesome presents :)

And in case you forgot, I'm still in a photo contest:  If I win, I'll donate my toys to the House Rabbit Network!  Help me make sure the foster bunnies have a hoppy holiday by voting for me, #2!  The winner of the contest gets $50 to spend on bunny toys, and I can't wait to pick out some awesome toys for my foster friends :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on Bailey's second place win! Cocoa didn't place, but that's OK. She made the honor of Top 10 and it was a fun contest. Anything that helps people appreciate rabbits as pets is a good thing in my book. Next year, I'll have to take a better picture to put into the contest. In the meantime, I think I'll take your suggestions for a BUNgalow for my other rabbit (Faith) who lives with three pesky guinea pigs.
