Our human is the best! Check out what she made for us! Here are her instructions for making a mini bunny playground :)
-Two cardboard boxes (ours are both 24"x18"x18")
-One cardboard cement form tube (ours is 8" diameter, purchased from Home Depot)
-Piece of scrap paper/newspaper
-Sharp utility knife
1. Put the scrap paper or newspaper on the ground, and stand the cardboard tube up, with the circular opening on the ground, on top of the scrap paper.
2. Using your pen/pencil, trace around the tube so that you make a circle the same size as the cardboard tube on the scrap paper.
3. Using your scissors, cut out the circle from the scrap paper. This will be your template for cutting a tube-sized hole in your cardboard boxes.
4. Place the scrap paper template of the circle on the side of a box. Trace around the template so that you have a circle drawn on the box, then use your utility knife to cut out the circle (make sure bunnies and kids aren't near your work area- knives are dangerous for critters and kids!). You should now have a hole in the box the exact same size as the cardboard tube.
5. Do the same thing on the second box. You should now have two boxes with two identical circles cut out.
6. Decide where your bunny will enter and exit the boxes. Bailey and Logan like to have two "doors" in each box. The doors can be any shape you'd like- circles, arches, squares- just make sure they're big enough for your bunny to fit through!
7. Here's the fun part: Take the big cardboard tube, and stick one end through one of the circular holes in one of the boxes. Then take your second box, and stick the other end of the tube through the circular hole. Your two boxes should now be attached by the cardboard tube!
8. It's playtime! Bailey and Logan wanted to check out their playground immediately. You can also decorate your playground by adding windows to the boxes, or you can put blankets or pet beds into the boxes to make soft, comfy places for your bunny to lounge in- the possibilities are endless!
*Quick tip: if the cardboard tube is too long, you can cut it with a saw or a utility knife. But be careful! It's best to have one person hold the tube while the other cuts it.
Check out my playground! Logan's bed is in the box on the left. The box on the right has two arch-shaped doors- one on the left, and another on the right. Our human left the tops of the boxes open so that we can't climb on the boxes and hop out of our pen. Silly human, doesn't she know that pens are for jumping over?! |
Keep checking our blog for more do-it-yourself bunny items!